We use spice in our cupcakes. They not only make cupcakes taste better, they're actually good for you. They're antioxidants, to say the least. So the next time someone accuses you of pigging out while you're devouring a 6-pack of our Chai Latte Cupcakes, tell them to go away and stop eating factory-farmed animals. You're far too busy boosting your cognitive function, and liberating yourself from dependency on animals and animal products, and healing the environment! In short, you're doing something important, like, changing yourself, and the world, one cupcake at a time! Cupcaketionery- style!
Can Spices Improve Your Brain Power?
By Dr. David Eifrig Jr.
By Dr. David Eifrig Jr.
Try these simple spices in your food regularly. Just maybe we can avoid the predicament (memoryloss) altogether.
One spice, Cinnamon powder or sticks, is especially powerful. It affects several physiologic functions of the body. Cinnamon kills bacteria and yeasts that cause stomach ulcers and urinary-tract infections, and even helps the body regulate blood sugar. But for me, the most important benefit of its consumption is increased brainpower. A few years ago, it was discovered that just the smell of cinnamon could improve cognitive function. In that study, it was true that either tasting (technically it was chewing) or smelling cinnamon worked to improve brainpower.
From http://www.morethanalive.com/
Stay tuned for our Spice and Ingredient Benefits Series!
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